sound familiar?
You keep repeating the same behaviors and arguments over and over again, and you're starting to worry that things wont ever change.
You bottle up your true feelings and emotions until they come out in ways you regret.
You notice yourself withdrawing from, or lying to people close to you just to avoid confrontation.
You consistently feel like you're the “problem” in your relationships.
You feel like you aren't living up to your full potential, like you should be doing better, or that nothing you do is ever ”good enough".
You're ready to break free, to breath, to finally feel good about yourself!

I'm here to help
I am trained in helping people just like you gain the knowledge and skills that will improve your life and your relationships! I’m here to walk with you, offering a beacon of clarity and a boost of confidence through your journey.
I am not your "traditional" therapist; I’m a living, breathing human, complete with my own imperfections, just like you. I know what it's like to make mistakes, feel lost and angry, struggle with anxiety, depression, and relationship problems. I've often wrestled with that little monster inside who whispers "you're not good enough".
I provide a 100% JUDGMENT FREE space!
I know that doing this work alone can be daunting, draining, and discouraging. Having a companion by your side, someone to help you navigate the path and point out roadblocks along the way, can be the catalyst for enduring change and not just temporary relief.
You take the wheel, I'll hold the map
Once you begin to recognize the patterns in your thoughts and behaviors, and see how they keep you stuck, it will become clearer and easier to see your path towards change.
Feeling CONNECTED and EMPOWERED in your relationships
RESOLVING conflict
Being PROUD of yourself
Feeling CONFIDENT in your decisions
so, What's STOPPING you?
You feel nervous talking to a stranger about the personal details of your life.
Rest assured, therapy is a professional, confidential space...what's said in session stays in session.
Again, I will never judge you. I'm a therapist, not a referee!
You feel embarrassed or ashamed that you can't handle this on your own.
You're not alone, I hear this all the time!
That feeling is perfectly normal, and it might be part of what's keeping you stuck.
Here's the thing, we all need help sometimes...it's part of being human.
You feel scared of dealing with stuff you've been avoiding for a long time.
It's true...sometimes therapy feels worse before it feels better.
But, just like scrubbing out a gnarly, infected wound, once it's clean it can heal.
And once it's healed, you will feel better.
You're discouraged by other "failed" attempts to make a change.
This time can be different!
Remember, you'll have me riding shotgun to help you navigate.
You're worried you will be forced to talk about things you don't want to talk about.
Therapy with me is voluntary.
I will never 'make' you talk about anything you don't choose to discuss.

"The only person you are destine to become is the person you decide to be"
-Ralph Waldo Emerson